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Lin, X. -D., Martin D.  & Chen, B. -W.【Towards cultural landscapes of careHealth & Place, Nov, 2022. 

(SSCI, Q1, ranking 20%, Public Environmental & Occupational Health)



Chou, Y.-C. *,  Uwano, T., Chen, B.-W. , Sarai, K. , Nguyen, L. D., Chou, C.-J.,  Mongkolsawadi S. & Nguyen, T.T.  Assessing disability rights in four Asian countries: The perspectives of disabled people on physical, attitudinal and cultural barriers. Political Geography, January 2024

(SSCI, Q1, ranking 13%, Public Political Geography 


 周月清*、陳伯偉、王喬萱、張芯瑜〈新冠肺炎(COVID-19)防疫第三級警戒對障礙者的影響:防疫困境、焦慮與心理福祉〉。《臺灣社會工作學刊》。August 2024, pp.1-60。


 周月清*、陳伯偉、林君潔〈「我們」的選擇、「我們」自己決定:肢體障礙者機構居住與自立生活〉。《臺大社會工作學刊》。December 2023, pp.69-114。(TSSCI)


 陳伯偉、邱春瑜、郭惠瑜、周月清*〈發展障礙研究倫理基本原則與操作指引:支持障礙者參與研究〉。《臺大社會工作學刊》,August 2023, pp.1-42。(TSSCI)


Chen, B.-W.*, Chou, Y.-C. & Chi., H.-C. Unpacking the cultural paradox of attentive care for institutionalized people with intellectual disabilities. Health & Place, published online first May 31 2022. 

(SSCI, Q1, ranking 20%, Public Environmental & Occupational Health)


Chou, Y.-C*, Chen, B.-W. & Kröger, T. Lost in translation: implementing personal assistance in an East Asian context. Disability & Society, published online first 16 July 2021.

(SSCI, Q1, ranking 4%, Rehabilitation)


陳旺德、陳伯偉、林昱瑄* 〈培力還是侷限?—兒少安置機構、慣習型塑與階級效應〉。



Chou, Y.-C.*, Lu, Z.-Y., Chen, B.-W. & Lin, C.-J. Awareness of sexual rights and empowerment: Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of a sexual health intervention for adults with intellectual disability. Journal of Sex Research, 57:1202-1216.

(SSCI, Q1, ranking 3.7%, Social Science, Interdisciplinary) 


陳伯偉〈讓性 empower 障礙者:性不只是權利,更應是社會福利〉。《性別平等教育季刊》,89: 111-116。


周月清*、陳伯偉、張家寧、台北市新活力自立生活協會〈個人助理是居服的補充包?: 地方政府執行身心障礙者自立生活支持/個助服務的迷思與困境〉。《臺灣社會福利學刊》,15:1-56。


Chou, Y.-C.*, Lu, Z.-Y., Chen, B.-W. & Lin, C.-J. ‘Transformed rights’ sexual health programme evaluation for the parents and service workers of adults with an intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 63:1125-1136.

SSCI, Q1, ranking 15%, Education, Special


陳伯偉*、王宏仁 〈男男按摩的身體工作:親密關係的劃界與跨界〉。《人文及社會科學集刊》,30:537-569。TSSCI


Chen, B.-W. Touching intimacy: Bodywork, affect and the caring ethic of erotic gay massage. Gender, Work & Organization, 25:637-652.

SSCI, Q1, Women’s Studies: 1 out of 45, Editor’s Choice


Chen, B.-W. * & Mac an Ghaill, M. Exploring detraditionalisation through gender reflexivity in late modernity: The negotiation of family/filial responsibilities among Taiwanese (younger) professional men. Families, Relationships and Societies, 16:449-464.

(SSCI, Q4, ranking 87%, Family Studies)


Chen, B.-W.*, Tang, W.-H. & Wang, H.-Z. The classing gaze and its gendering effects: (Dis)-respectability, emotional (in)-competency, and the counseling experiences of domestically violent Taiwanese men. The Sociological Review, 62:780-799. 

(SSCI, Q1, ranking 22%, Sociology) 


陳伯偉*、唐文慧、王宏仁 〈男性家暴者的諮商經驗:階級差異如何再製〉。

《臺灣社會學刊》,55:227-273。 (TSSCI)





陳伯偉、周月清(專題主編)【還我性權:讓性empower障礙者】。《性別平等教育季刊》,90:13-38 。(障礙者情慾下架版)







陳伯偉〈不只是『會陰保養』: Gay Spa文化中的情╱慾勞動與照顧倫理〉,收錄於戴伯芬編《性別作為動詞 巷仔口社會學2》。頁208-214。台北:大家出版社。


Chen, B.-W. * & Mac an Ghaill, M. Negotiating Family/Filial Responsibilities: Reflexivity, Tradition, and Taiwanese (Younger) Professional Men. In C. Haywood, M. Mac n Ghaill. & Lin, X.-D. (Eds.), East Asian Men: Masculinity, Sexuality and Desire (pp.51-67). London: Palgrave.




Wang, H.-Z., Chen, B.-W., &. Tang, W.-H. Tactical resistances in daily politics: How battered Vietnamese wives negotiate family and state tightropes in Taiwan? In D. Fell, P. Lin & Chiu, K.-F. (Eds.), Migration from and to Taiwan (pp.159-177). London, Routledge.

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